Stayreal please stop releasing stuff that is very up my alley!
I am so broke!
Like this hoodie! But it's really similar to one I already have:

And I like my blue one better too! haha
Also.. they released a "Keep Staying Real and Carry On" tee! I was expecting "Keep calm and Stay Real" tho.
I like the pants a lot too! It's not released yet, but I don't think I can pull it off >.<
Also, bagggggg. I really need a backpack. Still holding out until I find one I really love.. But I love them all!!!
And while we are on the topic of pretty things I can't have. THIS. JACKET.
OOS, but omg, Love it so much! Hope they release something similar again!
This has been a Hiyu ranting about things I want to have but cannot afford moment XD