Thursday, 30 April 2015

Happy Mayday!

First day of May! hahaha

I am being seriously lame now >.<

I wonder.. if I will ever 五月去看五天的五月天. I think that will be an awesome goal XD

Monday, 27 April 2015

Mayday Just Rock It! Budokan

After much pain and torture from eplus, I have finally set up my account to ballot for advance tickets.
My plan was to just purchase the 2-3 tour plan (2x concert tickets and 2x hotel stay)… Imagine my shock when I realized that even the overseas tour plan was for balloting!
The package would have cost me almost $600 more! And yet I still have to ballot.
($600 because I was planning to just pay for the extra days at whatever hotel they are putting me in for the whole of my Japan trip)
Since I have already booked a hostel room for the period I am in Japan on (yeah for no fee cancellation!), and I have to ballot anyway, I’ve entered the advance sales ticket ballot as well.
And my god the trouble!
First I needed a Japan address- being the kaisu Singaporean I am, just registering and trying with one is not ‘safe’ enough. So I thought I can increase my chances by asking friends who are staying in Japan for their address.
And then eplus’s site decided to screw me over.
Took me 2 freaking days to release that I shouldn’t use the numpad to enter, and I should have used the keyboard row to enter number… Like seriously they are all numbers! What’s with the different formatting?!
I ended up only registering 2 accounts to bid 1 ticket on each day, as the website refused to take my Credit card details T__T So if I do win the ballot, I will have to do a net banking transfer.

So much trouble! But I hope I will get the ballot! I am actually pretty okay with either winning the advance sales or the tour package one. Will feel slightly safer with the tour package one as there is less chance of screwing up there, haha.